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Hack The Lakes

For at least the next couple of years, I have access to a 10-acre field in the heart of the English Lake District with power, water, and decent WiFi. The plan is to use the space to run a small extended hack camp where groups of folks can come and for around a week or so over a 4-week period. The objective is to have fun with tech and explore solutions to real world problems, whilst also spending time enjoying the wider environment, walking on hills, cycling round forests, paddling on lakes. It won't be commercial, all the (minimal) onsite facilities will be free in the pilot year and the only conditions will be sign up to a CoC, and that projects developed or contributed to are FOSS. For 2022, I'd like to test the idea with a very small scale invite only pilot of folks from within the community, maybe HWM of 10 or so people concurrently spread over a 4-week period. Objective is to work out if this idea is any good: do holidays and hackathons even mix? If it works, figure out the best and worst bits to run something that generates real value for multiple communities in 2023. Objective of this session is to introduce the idea and test the water.